Recommended Reading
Blind Vision
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In Paperback
Seeing the future is easy--changing it is far more difficult. Phillipe's visions of the coming spring are full of death. As a seer, he possesses a rare, dangerous gift: the ability to see the myriad possible futures. Called back from exile to a beleaguered court, Phillipe foresees disaster for the duchy and its people--unless he can guide the young Duke onto an alternate path. With most choices leading to bloodshed and destruction, the duchy’s only hope lies with the Lady Zuli--who refuses to believe a word Phillipe says. The danger increases as Phillipe makes one perilous psychic journey after another, and Zuli sets her own desperate, opposing plans into motion.
Read the first chapter of this paperback book (winner of the Reviewer's Choice Award for Fantasy) online at Speculation Press, then buy your copy direct from the publisher, find it at, or order it through your local Barnes & Noble or other favorite bookstore.
An epic fantasy novel in two volumes
Moons' Dreaming and Moons' Dancing
by Susan Sizemore, author of Laws of the Blood, and
Marguerite Krause, author of Blind Vision
Volume 1 and 2 of "The Children of the Rock"
Moons' Dreaming
For Kindle
For Nook Book
In a world under three moons, in the courts and villages of three kingdoms, the fates of the Dreamers are at stake. Only Dreamers can bend the power of the gods and perform the magic that holds chaos at bay. The ruling Shapers no longer believe in magic. The practical Keepers no longer see any need for it. The ambitious heir of Rhenlan seeks to eliminate Dreamers altogether. Who will hold back the darkness of murderous intrigue and impending war?
Moons' Dancing
For Kindle
For Nook Book
Princess Vray of Rhenlan, exiled for defying her power-mad brother Damon, returns to court to challenge his right to the throne. Unless she intervenes, Damon's ambition and total disregard for the Dreamers and the dangers they face will destroy the Children of the Rock. As the situation in the three kingdoms deteriorates, the carter Jordy and Dael, captain of the royal guard, see no answer but revolution. But Damon is a devious adversary, and it begins to look as if the best efforts of Vray and her allies will be too little, too late.
Originally published as e-books in 1999, The Children of the Rock duology earned high praise from reviewers and Moons' Dreaming was "best fantasy novel" finalist in the e-publishing industry's annual EPPIE awards. The books were later published by Five Star (a Gale imprint) in hard cover and trade paperback editions.
 "The trials of each character drew me in, until I cared more about what would happen to them...than I cared about what would happen to me if I didn't get my work done."
--reviewed by Huntress Reviews
"Politics, madness, revolution, evil doers, schemes, dragons, sea-monsters beautiful princesses, stalwart princes, conniving kings, wizardry, a touch of romance - and a murder. What more can you ask for from a fantasy novel?"
--reviewed by genrEZONE
As of late 2005, the paper versions are officially out of print. Your favorite local bookseller may still be able to acquire copies, but if they can't, write directly to me (Marguerite) to buy the books in trade paperback or hardcover format.
Moons' Dreaming
Hardcover, $25.95, ISBN: 1-5941-4062-6
Trade paperback, $13.95, ISBN: 1-4104-0191-X
Moons' Dancing
Hardcover, $25.95, ISBN: 1-5941-4063-4
Trade paperback, $13.95, ISBN: 1-4104-0192-8
Reviews: Care to see what other people think of our books? Check out a few of the reviews on our readers' page!
Seven Seasons of Buffy
Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors Discuss Their Favorite Television Show
A collection of irreverent and surprising essays about the popular television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, edited by Glenn Yeffeth. Contributors include leading science fiction and fantasy authors, such as bestselling legend David Brin, critically acclaimed novelist Scott Westerfield, cult-favorite vampire author Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, and award-winner Sarah Zettel. The show and its cast are the topics of such critical pieces as my essay on "The Meaning of Buffy," Lawrence Watt-Evans's "Matchmaking on the Hellmouth," and Sherrilyn Kenyon's "The Search for Spike's Balls." An informed introduction for those not well acquainted with the show, and a source of further research for Buffy buffs, this book raises interesting questions concerning a much-loved program and future cult classic.
Order today from the publisher's storefront (SmartPop books), through your favorite local bookseller, or at online sources like
Other titles and authors featured include:
"Buffy vs. the Old-Fashioned 'Hero' " by David Brin
"The Search for Spike's Balls" by Sherrilyn Kenyon
"A Slayer Comes to Town" by Scott Westerfeld
"Lions, Gazelles, and Buffy" by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
"The Good, the Bad, and the Ambivalent" by Laura Resnick
"A Buffy Confession" by Justine Larbalestier
"Dating Death" by Jennifer Crusie
"When Did the Scoobies Become Insiders?" by Sarah Zettel
"A Reflection on Ugliness" by Charlaine Harris
"Power of Becoming" by Jacqueline Lichtenberg
"Where's the Religion in Willow's Wicca?" by Christie Golden
"Love Saves the World" by Jean Lorrah
"A World Without Shrimp" by Margaret L. Carter
"Matchmaking on the Hellmouth" by Lawrence Watt-Evans
"Slayers of The Last Arc" by Nancy Holder
Five Seasons of Angel
Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors
Discuss Their Favorite Vampire
Trade paperback, $17.95
ISBN: 1-9321-0033-4

A collection of entertaining essays about the popular television series Angel edited by Glenn Yeffeth. In addition to my essay, "It's a Stupid Curse, contributors include such leading fantasy and science fiction authors as Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Don DeBrandt (author of Angel: Shakedown), Nancy Holder (Buffy writer), Dan Kerns (behind-the-scenes insights), Abbie Bernstein (Angel and Buffy magazine writer), Joy Davidson (sex therapist and psychologist), and Candace Havens (author of Joss Whedon: The Genius Behind Buffy).
Order today from the publisher's storefront (SmartPop books), through your favorite local bookseller, or at online sources like
Other topics and authors in the collection include:
"Angelus Populi" by Don DeBrandt
"Welcome to Wolfram & Hart: The Semi-Complete Guide to Evil" by Roxanne Longstreet Conrad
"Jasmine: Scariest Villain Ever" by Steven Harper
"A World Without Love: The Failure of Family in Angel" by Jean Lorrah
"It's Not Easy Being Green and Nonjudgmental" by Abbie Bernstein
"Angel: An Identity Crisis" by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
"The Good Vampire: Spike and Angel" by Peter S. Beagle
"Where Have All the Good Guys Gone?" by K. Stoddard Hayes
"Death Becomes Him: Blondie Bear 5.0" by Nancy Holder
"Victim Triumphant" by Jacqueline Lichtenberg
"The Assassination of Cordelia Chase" by Jennifer Crusie Smith
"There's My Boy" by Joy Davidson
"True Shanshu: Redemption Through Compassion, and the Journey of Cordelia Chase" by Laura Ann Gilman
Mapping the World of the Sorcerer's Apprentice (Harry Potter)
Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors Explore
the Bestselling Fantasy Series of All Time

New and old fans of the Harry Potter series will welcome this collection of fresh essays on Potter lore, plotlines, and characters. With up-to-date information through book six in the series, this companion volume offers a comprehensive look at the world of Potter through the eyes of leading science fiction and fantasy writers such as David Gerrold, Joyce Millman, and Martha Wells, and religion, psychology, and science experts.
My essay, "Harry Potter and the End of Religion," explores the longstanding emnity between two conflicting worldviews: belief versus knowledge, faith versus thought. Other authors and topics in Mapping the World of the Sorcerer's Apprentice include:
- An introduction and essay by editor Mercedes Lackey
- Susan R. Matthews, in praise of Hufflepuff
- Sarah Zettel examining sexism in Harry Potter
- "The Dursleys as Social Commentary" by Roberta Gellis
- Joyce Millman on Professor Snape as Byronic sex-symbol
- Martha Wells exploring the heroism of Neville Longbottom
Order today from the publisher's store front at SmartPop Books, your favorite local bookseller, or at
Anthology at the End of the Universe
Leading Science Fiction Writers on
Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

In a collection as funny and insightful as the series itself, The Anthology at the End of the Universe takes a fresh look at the greatest comic series in the history of science fiction: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
My essay, "The Only Sane Man in the Universe," celebrates Arthur Dent, whose persistent attempts to make sense out of a senseless universe place him in good company with classic comic characters from Bertie Wooster to Basil Fawlty.
Other authors and topics in The Anthology at the End of the Universe include:
- Cory Doctorow on how the Guide really exists and where to find it
- Mike Byrne demonstrating Adams' uncanny foresight regarding computer mis-design
- Adam Roberts on the real meaning of 42 as an answer to life, the universe, and everything
- Lawrence Watts-Evans explaining Vogon poetry and the history of truly inept art
- Susan Sizemore lamenting the fact that you can't go home again
- Marie-Catherine Caillava on Douglas Adams, Zen master
Order today from the publisher's store front at SmartPop Books, your favorite local bookseller, or at
Gates of Hell
by Susan Sizemore
A deadly plague is sweeping the galaxy, and there is no cure, only a drug that keeps a person alive--at the cost of a lifetime of addiction.
Two people struggle to halt spreading disaster: a renegade pirate who seeks the source of the plague, and a telempathic healer committed to finding the cure. To succeed, they have to combine forces, and overcome opposition those who see the plague not as a crisis to be solved, but an opportunity to be exploited.
Order this compelling trade paperback from Speculation Press today!